Definitions of Types of Talk Therapy
CBT-Cognitive Behavior Therapy
CBT is a popular form of therapy that focuses on a persons’ thoughts and feelings and how controlling them can help control your behavior. This is helpful in work with phobias, addictions, or any fears a client feels is affecting his life. CBT is generally a short process dealing with one primary goal, therefore preferred by many.
Psychoanalytical Therapy
This is “talk therapy” made famous by Sigmund Freud. It is your classic therapy where the listener (therapist) offers an emphatic, non-judgemental audience to a client’s telling of his life story. Focus is often on childhood events, as it is believed that big or small, things that happen during our early years are highly influential and can shed a light on why we act the way we do. For those looking for change, it is believed that delving into the source of one’s behavior is the first step to understanding oneself.
Group therapy
This is where more than one client meets with the professional regarding a similar issue. This is the support group model, where linking peers together can assist in lessening stigma and the sense of being alone.
Family Therapy
In family therapy, every immediate family member becomes part of the process. It is usually recommended when a parent is seeking help with the “acting out” of a child. It is thought that the entire unit needs representation and makes progress beneficial for all.